Tuesday, October 6, 2009

AP Poll Continues to Shadow STB!

I'm not sure how many of you compare my poll to the AP or Coaches Polls for College Football or how many of you notice when I post my poll compared to theirs (I'm generally first). In fact, I don't even know how many people read this blog, but the fact is, the AP Poll seems to see one week what I see a week earlier.

Look at this week's polls for instance. Where is Auburn? Better question, where were they last week? Well, the answer is they were nowhere to be found in the AP Poll yet they were #25 in the STB Poll. The week before that I had the Tigers at #22. This week I have them at #21, right where they should be considering their strength of schedule thus far. The AP finally caught on, after seeing them ranked in the STB Poll 2 weeks in a row, the Tigers are somehow #17 in the latest AP Poll and #19 in the Coaches.

Boise State. Great football team, legitimate BSC team in fact. Not quite worthy of a top 5 billing though. The AP pollsters gave the Broncos that last week, only to take it back after Boise beat UC Davis by 18. Where did they fall to? #6. Who took over the #5 spot? Virginia Tech. Who did I put #5 in the STB Poll even last week? Virginia Tech. #6? Boise State.

Same story with South Florida and South Carolina. I've had them ranked for weeks while the AP Poll gave theirs spots to the likes of Houston, who I left unranked and who the AP dropped entirely from the rankings despite slated them #12 in the country last week! Houston? #12? C'mon!

What I suggest is that either the pollsters follow my blog, or the BCS invite me into their complex formula.

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